
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: abril, 2018

My trip to Italy

The second week of March, my class and I we went to Italy for one week. We took the flight at 6:25 pm and we arrived at the Bérgamo airport very early at the morning. There, we took a bus the first Italian location: Brescia. Brescia is a small city in the north of Italy. Brescia is in the middle of Bérgamo and Verona. There we had a cappuccino and we visited the nice cathedral, the most important in the region. Later, we took the bus and we went to Sirmione, one beautiful city that’s near the largest Italian lake. There, we ate the first pizza, it was delicious! In the afternoon, we arrived at the first hotel, in Verona. In the same night we visited the city centre, the arena and the Juliet’s house. The Juliet’s house was full of gums and post-it with dedications and I don’t really like it at all. Later we had dinner and we went to the hotel because we all were exhausted. Tuesday, March the 6th. In theory, Tuesday had to be the best day, because we visited one of the most emblematic